Atlanta Foundation Repair Contractor
For foundation repairs and structural mortar repair, JSA is here to save the day and save you money – doing the job right the first time.
For foundation repairs and structural mortar repair, JSA is here to save the day and save you money – doing the job right the first time.
It’s been our experience that some contractors provide cosmetic repairs, such as patching mortar, so it appears the real problem is fixed when in fact it’s not. We only need to repair your foundation in Atlanta once for the entire lifetime of your house – more than 27 years of experience has taught us this time and again!
Our owner, J. Scott Anglin, was born to repair foundations. He learned everything he knew while under the tutelage of his father. During high school, he won many competitions against the most talented young masons in the area. He built a monument which still stands at his high school today. Shortly after, at the University of West Georgia, he placed ads in the local school employment directory and quickly gained a reputation for excellence with many doctors, lawyers, and ordinary citizens.
In 1995, he founded JSA Specialists based on the idea that a contractor should do exactly what he tells you. Since then, the rest is history, and JSA Specialists now serves many customers throughout the Atlanta area.
Does your front porch really need to be torn down and reconstructed? Unfortunately, we’ve seen it happen when it’s not necessary. Many contractors misdiagnose this problem, or they don’t know how to repair your foundation without tearing down your front porch or part of your home. It costs you thousands of dollars you don’t need to spend.
The foundation is often the problem, and if it the part of it beneath the porch settles, it can make the porch become unlevel and appear as though the porch is in need of repair.
Inexperienced contractors also make the mistake of assuming the problem is the porch, not the foundation below. Additionally, it’s important to know how to insert steel piers into the foundation. If it’s done wrong, the repair is ineffective and can last just a few years.
At JSA, we’ve been making and diagnosing Atlanta foundation repair problems for more than 27 years! It costs less than replacing your entire porch and takes us just one visit to complete – make sure you get a professional opinion before you open your wallet.
How much does settling foundation repair in Atlanta cost?
The answer depends on the nature of the problem. It could cost anywhere from a couple thousand dollars to more than $10,000. It really depends on how much of your foundation needs to be stabilized. If it’s just one side, the repair will be cheaper. If several sides need repair, and you need your masonry cosmetically repaired also, it costs more.
At JSA Specialists, we pride ourselves in giving you an accurate diagnosis of the problem and providing an affordable solution. What we do differently than any other contractor is that we offer both masonry and foundation repair. If it’s necessary to do some work to your brick to get it looking nice again, you don’t have to call another contractor to have the job done. This helps you save over a thousand dollars versus the competition on similar projects.
To receive an accurate estimate, we need to come out and look at the problem to make sure we have a full understanding of the situation.
If something around your home breaks, wouldn’t you just love for it to be fixed permanently? Think of your car, computer, or any of your major appliances. You use most of them for only 5 years, while others you might use around a decade or so. With most things, using them permanently simply isn’t possible.
But, when it comes to Atlanta settling foundation repair, it’s not only possible, it’s typical.
Many contractors will tell you it’s not, but at JSA Specialists we have 27 years of experience repairing foundations throughout the Atlanta area. They’ll talk to you about a variety of repair approaches, but the one we use – steel piers – works for life and we give you a warranty to back that claim up. Only highly experienced foundation repair professionals can accurately assess foundation problems and ensure correct steel pier installation.
Other solutions may require multiple visits from contractors. Over the years, all those costs add up significantly, ultimately costing you much more than is necessary.
With JSA, you see us just once. Contact us at 404-680-1525 if you would like a permanent, cost-effective foundation repair.
Elaine York
Call 770-590-8184 today to talk to a foundation specialist.