Marietta Foundation Repair Contractor
For foundation repairs and structural mortar repair, JSA is here to save the day and save you money – doing the job right the first time.
For foundation repairs and structural mortar repair, JSA is here to save the day and save you money – doing the job right the first time.
It’s been our experience that some contractors provide cosmetic repairs, such as patching mortar, so it appears the real problem is fixed when in fact it’s not. We only need to repair your foundation in Marietta once for the entire lifetime of your house – more than 27 years of experience has taught us this time and again!
Our owner, J. Scott Anglin, was born to repair foundations. He learned everything he knew while under the tutelage of his father. During high school, he won many competitions against the most talented young masons in the area. He built a monument which still stands at his high school today. Shortly after, at the University of West Georgia, he placed ads in the local school employment directory and quickly gained a reputation for excellence with many doctors, lawyers, and ordinary citizens.
In 1995, he founded JSA Specialists based on the idea that a contractor should do exactly what he tells you. Since then, the rest is history, and JSA Specialists now serves many customers throughout the Marietta area.
When you choose JSA for your sinking foundation repair in Marietta, you get the most value for what you pay. We provide masonry and foundation repair in Marietta, a unique combination for contractors. Most only provide one service or the other, and when you combine the two, it allows us to perform both services at once, saving you time and thousands of dollars.
With many foundation repair problems, it’s often necessary to do some masonry repair work as well. JSA is one contractor that provides both foundation and masonry repair. Keep in mind that it takes a high degree of skill and experience to match the existing color of your home’s masonry, but because of our more than 27 years of experience in the industry, we have no problem doing it.
It’s our belief that a contractor should do exactly what he says. Our goal is to give you an accurate diagnosis of the problems you’re experiencing. Those cracks in your masonry or leaning steps might be due to foundation problems, but they might also not be. We’ll let you know our professional assessment of the situation, and that might mean you don’t need your foundation repaired. It’s our goal to ensure you trust us.
What happens if you don’t repair your foundation in Marietta when repairs are needed?
You can get away with it, but only for a few years. And, that’s assuming the problems aren’t serious now. What will happen in the short term is that any cracks present in your foundation or walls will only get worse. You can patch them or have a contractor do the work, but the cracks will eventually open up again and you’ll have to do the work again.
Eventually, the cracks will get so bad that your foundation walls or your homes walls will collapse. The joists on your roof may slowly separate, and eventually your roof can cave in. At some point, if you do nothing, you run the risk of having to entirely rebuild your home.
If repairs are needed, even though they cost some money now, it’s wiser to do the repair now because you’ll save yourself a ton of stress and money over the long run.
Before you open your wallet and pay thousands of dollars to a contractor offering foundation repair in Marietta, make sure you seek out an experienced professional opinion. At JSA Specialists, we’ve helped countless homeowners save thousands on their foundation repairs.
Very often, what the typical contractor suggests isn’t necessary or backed by experience. Unfortunately, many contractors who have degrees from noteworthy universities don’t have the practical experience that allows them to soundly judge the best way of repairing your home’s foundation.
Our 27 years of experience allow us to provide you with cost-effective foundation repair solutions that last the entire life of your home. Our owner, J. Scott Anglin, is the 4th generation of his family to run a foundation repair business, and has been working in masonry and foundation repair since he was a child. He has the professional experience necessary to help accurately identify your foundation’s true problems, so it can be successfully repaired during the course of just one project.
Call us at 404-680-1525 to schedule your estimate today!
Elaine York
Call 770-590-8184 today to talk to a foundation specialist.