Powder Springs Foundation Repair Contractor
For foundation repairs and structural mortar repair, JSA is here to save the day and save you money – doing the job right the first time.
For foundation repairs and structural mortar repair, JSA is here to save the day and save you money – doing the job right the first time.
In business since 1995, we can give your foundation the firm base it needs to permanently stay in good shape. If your house has cracked mortar joints, stone, stucco, or concrete siding, you can count on it looking just like new once we’ve completed your foundation repairs.
Repairing your home’s foundation, while keeping the rest of it cosmetically intact is a skill requiring years of experience to do well. Many inexperienced contractors may recommend you have part of your home torn down in order to perform the foundation repair. Others will ask you to call a mason to make any of the cosmetic repairs needed once the foundation work is done.
At JSA Specialists, we can make the foundation repair and take care of the cosmetic repair of your masonry. On the average job, we save you more than $1,000 versus calling separate contractors, and this is a skill that has taken more of 27 years of experience for us to master.
Do you like the way your home looks? With many contractors who perform sinking foundation repair in Powder Springs, they recommend you have part of your house torn down in order to make the necessary repairs. However, with more than 27 years of experience making Powder Springs foundation repairs, we know that 90% of the time this isn’t essential. We can often help you save thousands of dollars versus the typical contractor.
At JSA Specialists, we’ll give you our honest opinion about the approach that best works to repair your home. Most of the time, we recommend installing steel resistance piers into your home’s foundation. We recommend steel piers because they:
However, the trick really lies in experience. We have the experience to know the full load your foundation walls can bear. Many contractors get frightened when installing steel piers and don’t install them correctly, which can lead to more problems down the road.
However, you can count on us to do the job right the first time, saving you big money down the road.
What happens if you don’t repair your foundation in Powder Springs when repairs are needed?
You can get away with it, but only for a few years. And, that’s assuming the problems aren’t serious now. What will happen in the short term is that any cracks present in your foundation or walls will only get worse. You can patch them or have a contractor do the work, but the cracks will eventually open up again and you’ll have to do the work again.
Eventually, the cracks will get so bad that your foundation walls or your homes walls will collapse. The joists on your roof may slowly separate, and eventually your roof can cave in. At some point, if you do nothing, you run the risk of having to entirely rebuild your home.
If repairs are needed, even though they cost some money now, it’s wiser to do the repair now because you’ll save yourself a ton of stress and money over the long run.
Do you have an expensive foundation repair, but you’re a little short on cash to do it? At JSA Specialists we put our 27 years of experience to use, helping you find the best long-term and most cost-effective method of repairing your foundation.
What your existing contractor is telling you may not actually be the case. We have 27 years of experience building and repairing foundations in the Powder Springs area, and we know how to perform the repair in a cost-effective way. You probably don’t need to tear down part of your home to fix the foundation. Most likely, you can use steel piers, which are affordable and easy to install.
Our Powder Springs foundation repairs are permanent because steel piers, when installed properly, last the entire life of your home. If the job does cost $10,000 or more, we put you in control – you don’t have to pay any deposit for us to start work. Contact us online today, or call 404-680-1525 if you need foundation repair in Powder Springs!
Elaine York
Call 770-590-8184 today to talk to a foundation specialist.